7th Annual Northeast Regional VIRTUAL Conference November 4, 2020
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Featuring Keynote Speaker

Reimagining Education 2020: Cultivating Connection, Community, and Creativity
Special sessions with Kwame Sarfo-Mensah, author of Shaping the Teacher Identity and From Inaction to "In Action" and

Tabatha Rosproy, National Teacher of the Year & Kansas Educator

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9:00-9:45 Presentation Recording
Opening Session Keynote: JEREMY ANDERSON
10:00-10:45 Breakout Sessions
Breakout Session 1: Creativity & Cultivating Image PRESENTATION RECORDING
"How Do You Define Yourself as a Teacher?" - Special session with
Kwame Sarfo-Mensah, author of Shaping the Teacher Identity
and From Inaction to "In Action."
The purpose of this workshop is to guide students in developing a structural framework that exemplifies what their educational philosophy and identity will be as future teachers. By using an inquiry-based approach, students will discover how their unique life experiences and personal qualities will help to provide a foundational context for their teacher identities.
YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC8mP1u2wPVb4UAuct9cM_Yw?view_as=subscriber
Website: https://www.identitytalk4educators.com
Books can be ordered here: https://www.identitytalk4educators.com/book
Breakout Session 2:Tips for Developing the Neurodiverse Brain PRESENTATION RECORDING
Passcode: t2hdkM0
Speaker: Emma Winkler
Neurodiversity focuses on the different ways that students learn, socialize, pay attention, and regulate their moods. These differently-abled students can be a huge asset in the classroom. Learn how to recognize, develop, and utilize their strengths, especially for students who experience anxiety, depression, etc.
Breakout Session 3:Virtual Theatre & Creating a Virtual Band PRESENTATION RECORDING
Passcode: a^%gs36y
Speakers: Sophia Conover, Alexander Walls, and Grant Owen
In a world where the prince can't get to the princess, how can fairytales get their happily ever after? How can theatre students come together when we can't meet face to face? Using nothing but Zoom for a rehearsal for a play without an audience, I will take you on a Middle School's journey through an entirely virtual production of Mirror, Mirror on the Wall.
How to stay connected in what is a disconnected world? This is the question band directors are asking themselves every day. It is incredibly challenging to conduct a 70 person band that is learning virtually or cut in half because of hybrid scheduling. How do you encourage musicians to perform at an audience-ready level? How do you continue to promote practice time? How can new musicians learn without their peers? We’ll explore these questions and more.
Breakout Session 4: Is Community Really Important to Teacher Retention?
Speaker: Edgar Palacios
Join us for a conversation on how to build community and the impact on teacher retention.
11:00-11:45 Breakout Sessions
Breakout Session 1: Brain-Based Strategies for Connection & Using Focused Intervention Time to Create Connections PRESENTATION RECORDING
Speaker: Alyson Dupin & Kimberlie Mason
Participants will learn about the needs of English Language Learners as they explore how to prepare relevant instructional activities and make meaningful connections in an early elementary setting.
This session will also cover the importance of creating connections between teachers and students using a simple and effective intervention model. This three-tiered intervention includes individual time with a teacher, structured work time, and focused intervention groups. All three of these interventions give students time to get help in a caring environment. Participants will explore the three areas and get strategies for helping students.
Breakout Session 2: Care & Connections PRESENTATION RECORDING
Find a Seat at Friendsgiving: Fill Your Plate and Heart with just the Good Stuff-Jennifer Chessmore/Mason Martin-Oklahoma State University School of Education
In order to build a balanced meal, you must have components of each of the food groups. Too much of a good thing can make you sick, but not enough of the right things will leave you malnourished. People are similar in that we need different types of relationships to build a successful support system. Pull up a seat at the EHS table to find out how to fill your plate the right way!
Breakout Session 3: Communities & Collaboration PRESENTATION RECORDING
Past, Present, and Future of Early Elementary-Neh Awasom
This presentation is about the past, present, and future of the early elementary community. It will cover the connective environment in early elementary classrooms before and during COVID, then have an audience discussion of potential ideas of how elementary students can stay connected within their classrooms. The presentation will include an interview with a kindergarten and 1st grade teacher discussing the classroom setting in the past and present. There'll also be a focus on how kindergarten and 1st grade students interact and connect sharing the same classroom environment.
Breakout Session 4: Breaking Down Walls & Bridging the Gap
Speakers: Caysee Sontheimer, Makenna O'Hare, Aubree Lewis, Sabrina Madison, and Marshonda Cullum
This session will focus on the disconnect between students and educators as well as mental health issues for both groups. Interviews and surveys from counselors, social workers, teachers, and students will provide insight into the disconnect and miscommunication surrounding mental health. Strategies for improvement will also be discussed.
In lieu of recent events surrounding COVID-19 and virtual, or limited face to face schooling, the Special Education departments found creative ways to continue connecting with students despite hardships. Using Gardener’s Multiple Intelligences theory and Fleming's VARK Learning styles, we are able to cater to the needs of each child using several effective forms of learning. Teachers are utilizing auditory, visual/spatial, and kinesthetic learning to bridge the gap between in person and virtual learning.
National Teacher of the Year Special Presentation
TABATHA ROSPROY, Kansas Educator
More information about Tabatha--https://ntoy.ccsso.org/tabatha-rosproy/
Zoom Host: Dr. Gonzalez-Bravo, MNU
1:00-1:45 Breakout Sessions
Breakout Session 1: Creativity & Cultivating Image PRESENTATION RECORDING
Breakout Session 1:
Finding Your Niche & Brain-Based Strategies
Speaker: Jeffrey Laubscher, Aiden Manns, Olivia Petersen, & Carlie Parks
This presentation focuses on trying to find your niche. Perhaps something to incorporate into classrooms would be having students fill out a form of their interests, so they could find their strengths and collaborate with other students with similar results. Appreciating students' similarities and differences could be a way to connect students in your classroom.
Do you give your brain the attention it deserves? Most of us don't! This presentation will dive into how the brain affects students' behaviors in different types of learning. We will review strategies that you can use in your classroom tomorrow!
ate into classrooms would be having students fill out a form of their interests, so they could find their strengths and collaborate with other students with similar results. Appreciating students' similarities and differences could be a way to connect students in your classroom.
Breakout Session 2: Communities & Collaboration
Building Your Tribe: Affinity Based Professional Learning Communities in A Virtual World-Cornell Ellis-Brothers Liberating Our Communities
In a virtual world. support systems and learning communities are more necessary than ever. Building those communities using identity provides a level of cultural and linguistic similarity that ultimately increases the achievement of its participants. Learn how to cultivate, foster, and capitalize on affinity based learning environments.
Breakout Session 3: Communities & Collaboration PRESENTATION RECORDING Passcode: u4&cZ?dK
Mastering High School Publications During a Pandemic-Rylie Hutchison and Madison Burrow
High school journalism is a very important component of building a school's culture and community. However, many aspects of journalism have changed during the pandemic. This session will cover how the social part of journalism has been affected as well as how we have managed building staff relationships and how we've been using technology to our advantage as we highlight our school community.
Breakout Session 4: Teach KC Speaker: Bruce Inwards
Let TEACH Kansas City help you on your journey toward becoming a teacher! We provide free support as you choose the teacher prep program that is best for you. We will also walk you through one of our resources, “Me as Future Teacher”, an interactive app where you explore teaching and share insights with a community of other future teachers. Check out our presentation to learn more! Find us online at kansascity.teach.org.
The link for each university should take you to the zoom link for that session at the time listed. If you are on our mobile site, please click the full site to get to active links: https://edrisingks.wixsite.com/reimagine2020/schedule

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