11th Annual Northeast Regional Conference November 6, 2024
8:30-9:00am: Registration
9:00-9:30am: Welcome & Keynote Speaker:
9:45-10:30am: Session 1
Each Breakout Session is aligned with one of the following 3 strands:
Instruction: Sessions will focus on cooperative learning, continuous assessments and how to provide innovative and timely feedback to students. Come learn how to motivate tomorrow’s learners.
Innovation: Sessions will focus on innovative technology in the classroom, how to prevent cheating and plagiarism and cultivate an online presence. Students will learn how a teacher helps their students critically think and evolve.
Interactions: Sessions will focus on the importance of having a positive relationship with yourself, how to network and make a good impression, and creating a positive culture and climate that is aesthetic for all.
10:40-11:25am: Session 2ā
11:30am-12:00pm: Lunch Session 1 at Cunningham Campus Center and Vendor Visits
12:00-12:30pm: Lunch Session 2 at Cunningham Campus Center and Vendor Visits
12:45-1:30pm: Session 3ā
1:30-2:15pm: Awards (30 minutes) & Closing (10 minutes)
Click here for the descriptions of all of the sessions!